Code of ethics
Professionalism — Tarotesque Readings reflect 12+ years of Kristina’s intuitive tarot practice – including all the knowledge, wisdom, and experience accumulated over more than a decade of psychospiritual exploration and travelling through the world of tarot, mysticism, philosophy, and art.
Authenticity — Every reading is based on original and highly personalised insight tailored specifically to you, your energy and situation.
Depth — Every reading is done with care, focus, and attention – any reading length or option you choose goes deep into the energies and influences of what you desire to explore or clarify.
Confidentiality — The privacy and identity of all clients is respected and protected. Any personal details or information that you share is kept private. You can trust that the privacy of your story, and of the communication we share related to your reading—as well as its personalised contents—are strictly confidential.
Openness of mind, heart, and spirit — for all, Tarotesque provides a space that is safe and non judgmental: in a richly fluid and dynamic system like Tarot, where Fools, Devils, Kings, and Priestesses mingle, dance, and journey together, there is no place for prejudice or any kind of limited, rigid thinking. All Seekers of open hearts and minds are welcome.
No tarot readings are meant to replace professional services including but not limited to: medical, financial, psychological, legal. You should seek financial, medical, legal or other professional advice before acting or relying on any of the content.